Monday, September 14, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ September 14th Edition


Outside my window... the leaves have shown their first blush of autumn red hues

I am thinking... From taking dad to his eye doctor this morning, seeing Final Destination 3D, having a great meal at Mexican Fiesta, this has been a really nice day away from work

I am thankful for... Fringe comes back on TV Thursday!

I am wearing... jeans, dark green sweater, barefooting feet

I am remembering... Mom, whose birthday would have been this past Saturday, and Chuck whose birthday was yesterday

I am creating... better health from a much needed change in diet

I am going... to start walking 30 minutes a day

I am reading... Nothing at the moment, but I just finished “The Lovely Bones” by Alice Sebold, and LOVED it!

I am hoping... the gray smoke pillowing out of my lawn mower is just from too much oil, and easy to fix, rather than having to spend money I don’t have to buy a new one

On my mind... I am so happy I have an awesome cat to keep me company!

From the learning rooms... I learned that even though I basically “hate” vegetables, once I began eating other healthy foods and started feeling good, some veggies were pretty darn good being crunched on

Noticing that... I feel very much alert and energized after following a 2-week “inner cleaning” regiment

Pondering these words... "Not forgiving someone is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die."

From the kitchen... Fiber foods and protein items that are giving me a healthier, better body

Around the house... I only have one load of laundry to fold *YAY* but several rooms to get busy and straighten

One of my favorite things… Autumn! Especially that grey-skied, chill in the air, Halloween-holidayed month of October!

A few plans for the rest of the week… Continue with my new food choices, start walking, watch Fringe!

From my picture journal...

Smokie ...a most awesome kitty!

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning, Melissa!
    Thanks so much for visiting my Daybook. :)
    I'm so encouraged to hear that you're taking charge of your health. I'm reading a great book just now that you might like titled Nourishing Traditions.

    See you around!
